
Lunch :

Lunches can be taken together (self-service - price between 7 and 15 euros, to be paid directly on site). COMPULSORY REGISTRATION

Dinner on Friday 30 September :

A joint dinner is planned for Friday 30 September. It will take place at the restaurant La Marne in Saverne ( REGISTRATION REQUIRED
Two options are proposed (price around 33 euros, excluding drinks, to be paid directly on the restaurant).

- Option 1:

Starter: Traditional Tarte Flambée

Main course : Backenhoff with three meats (lamb, beef, pork).

Dessert: Kougelhopf glazed with Marc de gewurstraminer

- Formula 2 (vegetarian):

Starter: Tarte flambée forestière

Main course : Spatzles with munster sauce and raw vegetables

Dessert: Kougelhopf glazed with Marc de gewurstraminer

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